17 January, 2013

Saint's Quotes

Who doesn't want to be a saint,i think all desire to be a good person at least but fails many times,i am one of them who would love to be a saint,heard many times that becoming a saint is not a easy thing and lot of suffering they go through,well don't know much but i think the destination of all saints was God,nothing else.All saints i think are unique and not similar to each other and the quotes they say are very much true and effective so here i am putting down few quotes of saints which are very inspiring and heart touching.Here it goes....

  • 'A living faith consists of thinking little of self, and showing consideration for others.' St. Poemen

  • 'I consider that it is obvious to everyone that it is impossible to live virtuously without the aid of prayer.'   St. John Chrysostom

  • 'Nothing helps a man more than prayer.'St. Philip Neri
  • 'When the intellect, having grown to full maturity in the Lord, wrenches the soul from  long-continued prepossession, the heart suffers torments as if on the rack, since intellect and passion drag it in opposite directions.'St. Mark the Ascetic
  • 'We must practice modesty, not only in our looks, but also in our whole deportment, and particularly in our dress, our walk, our conversation, and all similar actions.'St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
  • 'The self-indulgent are distressed by criticism and hardship; those who love God by praise and luxury.' St. Mark the Ascetic
  • 'God is generous; I receive from His hands what I have never received from the hands of man; and if I had received nothing from man, I would receive all from God.'St. Ignatius of Loyola
  • 'As wax melts before fire, so does an impure thought before the fear of God.' St. Thalassios the Libyan
  • 'The greater and more persistent your confidence in God, the more abundantly you will receive all that you ask.' St. Albert the Great
  • 'Happy the man to whom God has given the science of the saints.Oh, how sublime the science which teaches us to know how to love God and to save our souls! Happy, says St. Augustine, is the man "who knows God, although he is ignorant of other things." They who know God, the love which he merits, and how to love him, stand not in need of any other knowledge. They are wiser than those who are masters of many sciences, but know not how to love God.'St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Will Bring few more quotes in my future post,till then enjoy life with God and i pray that you be one of the future saint...WOW..!


09 January, 2013

My discovered thoughts!

  • Person who can forgive easily has known Christ in its true sense.  

  • Pride is the worst sin that can spoil your relationship with God very badly.

  • The people who approach to talk upfrontly with love to others are stronger people inside than others.

  • Cursing is not the art of children of God!(If you believe in  cursing you still need to know Christ)

  • Nobody can know God fully, humans out of pride can think they know God completely , God is too vast and mighty and great to be known completely by one! 

  • If you can forgive a person every time the person do wrong then its love!

  • One cannot love anyone truly unless the person’s heart is full of God’s love!
 That’s all for this time,will come up with few more next time!Love and blessings! Don't forget to enjoy life…!

01 January, 2013

New cards i made!

Few day back in a post Card making-New Hobby i mentioned how i enjoy these days making card and how it has become my new hobby.Few cards i made but couldn't get a chance to click because i don't have a personal camera nor do my mobile has a camera so had to wait long to post my cards!

Here it goes.....

(1) Parrot drawn just a painting and honey bee one is a Christmas Card!

(2) Girl who don't smile says smile,that's a Christmas card!

(3) Peacock painting!(this one was horrible still i loved it personally because i had to work hard in this painting the most so bear it yieyaya... ha ha ha...)

More cards i will make to torture you guys ha ha ha...

Happy New Year.....!

HAVE FUN...!!!!